Symptoms of Corrosion in a Stem Wall: Flaking Paint in Tucson, AZ
Flaking paint is a prevalent and perplexing symptom of corrosion, often misleadingly attributed to sunlight and the passage of time by many individuals. However, in reality, the underlying cause is corrosion affecting the structure beneath the paint surface. Recognizing this symptom accurately is crucial in identifying and addressing the root issue of corrosion before it leads to more severe structural problems.

Symptoms of Corrosion in a Stem Wall: Spalling Concrete in Tucson, AZ
Spalling concrete is the final and most severe symptom of stem wall corrosion. When the stem wall reaches this stage, it indicates that a significant portion of its components requires replacement. Addressing spalling concrete promptly is crucial to prevent further structural deterioration and to ensure the overall stability and safety of the foundation.

Symptoms of Corrosion in a Stem Wall: Horizontal Cracks in Tucson, AZ
Horizontal cracks observed in a stem wall indicate that the corrosion issue originated in the rebar and subsequently affected other components. These cracks are crucial signs of structural deterioration and should not be ignored. Identifying the root cause of the corrosion and taking timely measures to address it is essential in maintaining the integrity and stability of the stem wall.

Stem Wall Restoration in Tucson, AZ
The picture depicts a smooth, fresh-looking stem wall, ready to receive a new coat of paint. Thanks to the efforts of Arizona Foundation Solutions, this family can now rest assured that their concrete stem wall will remain protected from corrosion for an extended period. The successful repair and restoration ensure the durability and longevity of the stem wall, providing peace of mind to the homeowners.