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When should You Consider A Foundation Repair Specialist?

When should You Consider A Foundation Repair Specialist? - Image 1


When Should You Consider A Foundation Repair Specialist?


Sometimes it is hard to notice when it is necessary to call a foundation repair expert, and people might wait until the signs of stress get too obvious, which is fine, but it can be a little painful in your pocket. 


Here are some tell-tale signs that you need to call an expert for a foundation repair:


  • 1. Cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings. Cracks in your walls, floors, and ceilings are often a sign of foundation settlement or movement. If you start to notice cracks in your walls, floors, or ceilings, it’s important to call a foundation repair expert right away. 


  • 2. Doors and windows that won’t open or close properly. If your doors and windows start to stick or do not open and close properly, it could be a sign that your foundation is shifting and needs to be repaired.


  • 3. Gaps between walls and floors. If you start to notice gaps between your walls and floors, it could be a sign that your foundation is settling and needs repair.


  • 4. Uneven or sloping floors. If your floors start to become uneven or sloping, it could be a sign that your foundation is shifting and needs repair.


  • 5. Water damage or flooding. If you start to notice water damage or flooding in your basement or around the foundation of your home, it’s important to call a foundation repair expert right away. Water damage can cause serious damage to your foundation and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.


Foundation inspectors or consultants are well-trained professionals ready to spot and even diagnose the current foundation problem and provide the following steps for a long-lasting solution. They can determine the cause of a foundation problem, recommend options for repair, provide estimates for repair costs, advise the best course of action, and provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance services. They can also provide advice on the best materials to use, how to waterproof the foundation, and other measures to ensure the foundation is sound and durable.


Knowing what to consider when choosing the right contractor and where to look is very important, and you can learn even more in the next sections!


Can You Get Foundation Problems Even If Your House Is Not Old?


Expansive soil can get found in most areas down in Arizona, which is why so many houses have foundation problems regardless of their location or even how old the houses are. Foundation problems do not make exceptions, and regardless of the status of your home, the damage will get done, and unfortunately, money might need to be invested. Expansive soil can cause foundations to move, buckle, or crack, which can lead to expensive repairs and potential damages.


Expansive soil is caused by a combination of clay soil, moisture, and temperature. Clay soil has an expansive and shrinking nature to it, which means that when it gets wet, it expands, and when it dries, it shrinks. This can be a problem because of the Arizona climate, which has long periods of dry months, followed by sudden periods of heavy rain and snow. The expansive and shrinking nature of the soil, along with the changing temperatures, can cause the foundation of a home to shift and move.

Arizona Foundation Solutions (AZFS) has the expertise in any type of foundation problem you might be confronting; that is why regardless of what part of Arizona you’re located in and whether there is a basement, a crawl space, or even a post-tension foundation, AZFS can help you. 


What type of foundation issue you might be confronting is definitely a critical factor to consider and analyze in-depth; however, AZFS can assist you and your home’s foundation. In the following sections, we will discuss the different reasons and examples why you might see some cracks on the floor, walls, or even the ceiling.


Concrete Repairs Vs. Foundation Repairs 


Foundation repair contractors can do cosmetic repairs such as cracks stitching, concrete lifting, and stem wall repair to even underpinning or compaction grouting. Every service is distinct from the others because the services we provide have different purposes, installation processes, and objectives. Some services might not need to involve engineering, such as crack stitching repair, concrete raising, or even stem wall repair- these would be considered concrete repairs. Foundation heave problems or settlement issues can cause concrete slabs to collapse, and in order to continue with the remodeling process or the installation process, the Homeowners might need to bond back the two ends of the concrete slab to make it stable and useful again.


Concrete Services


On the other hand, Foundation contractors also offer PolyLevel helps sunken concrete slabs to go back to their original position and avoid any tripping hazard that might end up in an unfortunate event. For last, stem wall repair helps to prevent your stem wall from getting corroded ever again because the main issue is that corrosion is a silent threat that destroys your stem wall from the inside out, starting with flaking paint, then cracks, and at last spalling concrete. The most common repairs found to solve structural cracks and foundation stability are the underpinning and MoistureLevel systems. Underpinning is an in-depth analysis made by our engineering department with the help of the foreman in charge of the project, they analyze the situation, the goals of the Homeowners, and the house’s needs to come up with a strategic plan to determine what pier to install and where to install it to provide the adequate foundation support to the right room to lift the foundation back to its original position. On the other hand, MoistureLevel helps to remediate foundation heave problems to control the soil from expanding even more and causing even more damage to the surface of the house’s foundation.


Common Causes of Foundations Problems


Foundation problems may vary in each location due to environmental factors around the residency. Some houses might have been struggling with foundation heave problems for a long time now as the floor is all cracked along with a few walls; this can even occur if windows or doors cannot close properly. On the other hand, foundation settlement problems also exist, and they will make your house sink and crack. Foundation heave issues happen when there is overexposure to moisture, and the house is built over expansive soil such as clay. Some houses might have flowers right next to their foundation or even a small leak under the house that no one might be aware of. Water leaks will cause the soil to eventually expand and crack the floor making the foundation problem more severe and noticeable to everyone around. 

In contrast, Foundation settlement can also occur when there is not enough moisture or water around, and the soil shrinks and compacts because of the weight of the house and the low amount of irrigation in the area. In some cases, a house might be a victim of a combination of these two problems forcing us to utilize and install more than one solution to accomplish the determined goals.


What Are The Benefits of Having an In-house Engineer Department For Your Foundation Issues?


Some contractors might do the work faster and cheaper, and yet there is something many other contractors do not have, and that is an in-house engineering department. Having an engineering branch only specialized in foundation problems is crucial to deliver not only a solution to your foundation problem but “The” best solution, the solution that will last and be more beneficial for you, your home, and your future, because many companies might give you a solution that might work or might only work temporarily. A solution is not the same as a solution backed up with years of experience, and professionals who love what they do and have the right knowledge to assist you.


How Will I Know The Foundation Repair Project is on Track and I Am Getting The Value I Paying For?


One of the first things that might come to your mind when you are seeking a service and/or a product is how much is it going to cost me. How long will it take to pay off this service that I need? Will the product/service be worth it? These are common and fair questions to ask any company, and the company should be able to answer you with full transparency in detail by explaining why the product/ service aligns with your goals and house’s needs. Here at Arizona Foundation Solutions, every Foundation Advisor got trained with the purpose of explaining and giving detail about each step of the process to give you peace of mind. The steps of each process are very important. Because the steps will give you a timeline of when the installation will begin and when it will get done. Something Arizona Foundation Solutions is very proud of is the trust relationships we keep with our current and past customers thanks to our warranties and great quality backed up by our experience, expertise, and our incredible crew, including the engineering department.


Does Checking on Reviews & Comments From a Company Help to Make a Buying Decision?


One important factor to consider before buying a product or especially a service is checking reviews because the reviews and comments are the voice of the consumers, and if the product and the service are so great, as mentioned, people will have several positive comments and reviews because everyone is satisfied with what they paid for. Arizona Foundation Solutions is proud to say that we might not have perfect scores when it comes to reviews, but we are working very hard to improve our ratings even more, and we are already in the five stars category.


Having a foundation problem might be unfortunate and even expensive sometimes, but Arizona Foundation Solutions gives you the quality you and your home deserve. Some people say you get what you pay for! But why not give you some more? In today’s market, people might be struggling for any reason, and AZFS is aware of that; that is why we are very careful with all we do, and everything goes under an in-depth analysis before taking any action to reduce the risk of any inconvenience or any potential delay that might change the cloture of the project. The future is unforeseeable, but at least we can assure you your foundation will last and will not let you down again in a very, very long time because nothing is more important to us than your satisfaction, your goals, necessaries, and your peace of mind.


our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282