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Challenges in Arizona Soil: Galvanized vs. Thermal Set Plastic Coating - Which Will Prevail in the Fight Against Corrosion?

Challenges in Arizona Soil: Galvanized vs. Thermal Set Plastic Coating - Which Will Prevail in the Fight Against Corrosion? - Image 1
Challenges in Arizona Soil: Galvanized vs. Thermal Set Plastic Coating – Which Will Prevail in the Fight Against Corrosion?


When it comes to the crucial task of foundation repair, the choice between thermal set plastic-coated and galvanized piers can significantly impact the longevity and stability of a structure. As someone deeply involved in the installation of both underpinning systems, I've had the opportunity to witness the performance of these coatings firsthand over an extended period. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of threaded rods, protective coatings, and the overall durability of thermal set plastic-coated and galvanized piers.

Threaded Rods and Corrosion in AZ

Threaded rods play a pivotal role in supporting buildings, enduring substantial tensile loads. Their exposure to water and oxygen, especially in close proximity to the soil surface, makes them susceptible to corrosion. This corrosion, if unchecked, can lead to the failure of the rods, resulting in the settling of the building. In regions where the soil is regularly wetted, corrosion tends to accelerate. The use of galvanized coil rods emerges as a protective measure against such oxidization.

Challenges in Arizona Soil: Galvanized vs. Thermal Set Plastic Coating - Which Will Prevail in the Fight Against Corrosion? - Image 2

Thermal Set Plastic Coating Challenges in Arizona

Examining foundation brackets with Thermal Set epoxy coating after being in the ground for a considerable period reveals notable challenges. The proximity to the surface exposes these brackets to high levels of water and oxygen, leading to noticeable peelings over time. Despite arguments that the epoxy coating would remain intact below the active zone, the reality is that much of the epoxy coating is removed during installation, leaving the system vulnerable to localized oxidization.

Galvanized Strength and Protection in AZ

Contrary to common misconceptions, galvanized products offer robust protection against corrosion. Even if there's a small scratch, the galvanization, being nobler than the steel, shields the exposed area from oxidization. Moreover, the inclusion of zinc anodes enhances protection and can be regularly replaced as needed. This not only safeguards the coil rods but also adds an extra layer of defense to any component connected to galvanized products.

Debunking Misinformation

A prevalent misconception surrounding galvanized products is the fear of leaching deadly zinc into the soil. In reality, what is released is zinc oxide, a compound commonly used as a vitamin supplement and far from being harmful. This dispels the myth that galvanized products pose a risk to the environment.

Challenges in Arizona Soil: Galvanized vs. Thermal Set Plastic Coating - Which Will Prevail in the Fight Against Corrosion? - Image 3

Strength Gain in Galvanized Products in Arizona

An often overlooked advantage of hot-dipped galvanized products is their ability to gain strength through the galvanization process. This intrinsic strengthening contributes to overall structural robustness, providing an edge over alternatives.


In the debate between thermal set plastic coating and galvanization for foundation repair, a nuanced understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each system is crucial. The choice between them can impact the long-term stability of a structure. It's essential for homeowners and professionals alike to weigh the pros and cons, considering factors such as corrosion resistance, coating durability, and overall system strength. Feel free to share your opinions and experiences in the comments section below.

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Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282