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Building on Solid Ground: Ensuring Stability in Arizona's Unique Terrain

Building on Solid Ground: Ensuring Stability in Arizona\'s Unique Terrain - Image 1
Foundation Heave vs. Settlement in AZ Homes: Separating Myths from Real Solutions in Foundation Repair

The Insider's View of the Foundation Repair Industry in AZ

In my last blog, I delved into the challenges within the foundation repair industry, particularly regarding the recognition and management of expansive soils. This remains a critical issue, with symptoms of both heave and settlement often being misconstrued. Despite being a $55 billion-a-year industry in North America, a significant portion of resources is misallocated due to misdiagnoses, especially prevalent in arid regions like Arizona.

The Importance of Foundation Specialists in Ariona

When faced with foundation issues, homeowners often seek the assistance of foundation specialists near them. However, the challenge lies in distinguishing between various foundation problems accurately. While settlement is a common concern, heave from expansive soils presents unique challenges that demand specialized attention.

Identifying Foundation Heave

One of the primary misconceptions in the industry revolves around underpinning as a solution for settlement. However, underpinning is often counterproductive when dealing with homes affected by heave from expansive soils. This can exacerbate structural stress and lead to further complications down the line, highlighting the need for accurate diagnosis by qualified foundation contractors.

Building on Solid Ground: Ensuring Stability in Arizona\'s Unique Terrain - Image 2
Educating Arizona Homeowners

Thousands of homeowners across the country are inadvertently misled into investing in ineffective foundation crack repair solutions. Lacking the necessary knowledge and expertise, they fall victim to misdiagnoses and misguided recommendations. Moreover, the reluctance of some foundation contractors to distinguish between heave and settlement exacerbates the problem, perpetuating a cycle of inefficacy and financial burden for unsuspecting homeowners.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

To address this issue, it is imperative to educate both homeowners and foundation specialists about the nuances of foundation heave and settlement. By fostering a deeper understanding of these concepts, homeowners can make informed decisions about their house foundation repairs, while foundation contractors can provide tailored solutions that address the root cause of the problem.


In my next blog post, I will delve into effective strategies for identifying home heave from expansive soils versus settlement. By equipping homeowners and foundation specialists with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate these complexities, we can promote transparency, efficacy, and long-term sustainability within the foundation repair industry.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Arizona Foundation Solutions
3125 S 52nd St
Tempe, AZ 85282